Winthrop, Maine 1-800-273-5200

Summertime Fun!


Summer vacation is here! Without the structure that school days provide, the big challenge is keeping our children somewhat engaged and busy with activities and outings. There are things you can do right from home that are not too costly or time consuming.  We have identified several links to different sites that have suggestions for activities to do at home, or community based events that are happening around the state.  (See below)

For younger kids be mindful of the amount of time they spend with their electronic devices.  Too much is not good, but it can certainly be effective as a motivator that follows a less preferred activity, such as a “chore”, that you and your child have identified as something he/she can be responsible for now that they have more time in their day. “Screen time” could also be built into their daily schedule during a time of day when everyone needs a little down time.

For older children, consider having them volunteer at a local non-profit organization such as an animal shelter or library.  Volunteering can be very rewarding and will start to develop skills that will be needed when employment becomes a reality.  

The links below will take you to sites that offer community based events and or ideas of activities that you can do from home.     

Most importantly, Enjoy the next few months! 

NOTE: ASM summer hours for July and August will be: 9:00am to 4:00pm (September 1st will return to normal hours: 9:00 to 5:00pm)


Maine State Family Activities - Statewide - list of activities including gross motor activities -  photo gallery of ideas that can be done at home

Macaroni Kid -  Central Maine

Macaroni kid   - Southern Maine

Macaroni kid -  Midcoast area

Children's Museum of Maine - Portland

ASM Calendar of Events - Statewide

Summer Camps  - Statewide

The Fourth of July is one of our nation's biggest holidays; many will celebrate by having a barbecue, outdoor activities with family & friends and even watch fireworks.
All this festivity can be overwhelming for individuals on the autism spectrum. There are some accommodations and creative ways that can help your loved one or friend with autism have an enjoyable and comfortable holiday while going out or staying home. Have a Happy and Safe Fourth of July!
Links for helpful tips and ideas:

Surviving 4th of July fireworks  by Path Finders for Autism 

7 Ways you can make your child's 4th of July sensory friendly (Fireworks and grill safety short video) 

How to have a sensory friendly Fourth of July  by Dr. Cathy Pratt, BCBA-D

Social Story: What to expect on the Fourth of July   by Positively Autism 

4th of July Autism Social Story - Free Comic Download:  by National Autism Resources

4th of July Tips by the Scott Center


Traveling with your children with ASD  by Autism Community in Action

Traveling by Air  by Autism Society

Summertime Safety

How to prepare your home for summertime safety  by Autism Society 

Keeping summer safe and enjoyable for children with autism by the Autism Society

5 Water Safety Tips For Your Autistic Child by AngelSense


Summer travel outdoor fun apps by Parenting Special Needs Magazine